Friday, October 24, 2008


We live our lives in accordance to some divine rule of law,abiding by those of the country and our own personal convictions.Sometimes we tend to want to do things that might be in contravention with one or the other. The rock or hard place. Striving for a safe alternative we choose that which is the most "normal" and societally acceptable. How do you decide to make a choice? Live by the law of the one or by the law of the many? How much of yourself do you sacrifice when making a hard decision? If there was a grey area between the rock and the hard place, where would you place yourself?

This was a blog i posted in my early beginings as a blogger on my blog verbal explosion, having written it initially just as to satisfy my longing to ask this question...... it rang true a couple of days ago, so I realised.... I have been in Grahamstown for close to a year now and in that time have lost and found myself more than once.... funny thing is, it happens more often now than it did before.
So i am what i am.... hoping to one day become......... and still to this day i eagerly await the day when i have found myself completely.

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